Discover Your Coaching Path in Our Marketplace

Embark on a Journey as a Job Search Coach with Respiris

At Respiris, we are more than just an outplacement assistance marketplace; we are fostering a community where life stories, educational paths, and varied career experiences intersect.

Drawing inspiration from the journey of our founder, Angel Cruzado, we've crafted a platform tailored for individuals who share his level of commitment, educational achievements, and a broad spectrum of professional experiences.

Who Is Ideal for Our Community?

  • Aspiring Professionals: If Angel Cruzado's path of self-driven success, marked by a rich array of academic achievements and professional milestones, resonates with you, our platform is your ideal destination.

  • Skilled Experts: Those endowed with extensive knowledge and specialized skills, looking for roles that not only challenge but also provide deep satisfaction, will find their match here.

  • Mentors and Coaches: If you are passionate about helping others uncover their 'prayer' – their true vocation and purpose – this platform offers the perfect opportunity for impactful and fulfilling work.

Getting Started with Respiris: Your Pathway to Impact

  • Profile Creation: Begin by sharing your LinkedIn profile. This will give us insight into your professional background and expertise.

  • Cover Letter: We'd love to hear your motivations for joining our job search coach marketplace. Please provide a brief overview of your reasons and aspirations.

  • Community Vision: Share your perspective on the role and importance of community in professional growth and mentorship.

Our Commitment to Our Marketplace

  • We are deeply committed to creating a platform that connects you with a remarkable community.

  • Our shared interest is in helping impacted employees ‘find their 'prayer' or true calling.

  • We believe in cultivating a community where every interaction and opportunity contributes to our shared success and growth.

Apply To Join Our Marketplace